5 December Minutes 2024

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 5 December 2024 at Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints. 
In the Chair: Cllr N Barker
Parish Councillors present: Cllrs R Aldrich, B Swift, A Spink, M Crookes, D Sear, A Beet, and J Bowers.
Parish Clerk/RFO: Mrs S Bristow
Public Forum 
A Parishioner wished to alert the Council to comments made by the Chair of the Community Partnership pertaining to allowing children to have a say in a Test of Public Support (ToPS) regarding the GDF proposals. This was echoed by Cllr N Sear who was “gobsmacked” at hearing the same suggestion; she asked why children were being brought into the issue. There was discussion of a wheel with stickers on it showing a majority in favour of the GDF- a comment was made about the validity of any such poll. 
District and County Councillors’ Reports 
Cllr N Sear commented that works on the Maltby straight were going full on at the moment and that Kent Avenue would also be looked at for potential highway improvements.
Item 12/24-01   Vice-Chair’s Welcome 
The Vice-Chair opened the meeting at 19:40 and welcomed one member of the public to the hall.
Item 12/24-02 Apologies and acceptance of absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllrs K Simpson and L White. Absences from District Cllr Hesketh and County Cllr McNally were also noted.
Item 12/24-03 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 12/24-04 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Parish Council meeting held on 24 October 2024
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed.
Item 12/24-05 Chair’s Report
None received.
Item 12/24-06 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk noted that she and the Chair had attended an informal meeting at Mablethorpe Town Council, along with other Chairs, Members, and Clerks from within the NWS Search area. The discussion was about the members coming together to demand additional transparency and representation in light of NWS’s recent announcement that they will be searching elsewhere in the defined area given competing interests in the former Gas Terminal site.
Item 12/24-07 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising
i) To receive an update on disposing of the faulty speed sign and redundant brackets: Cllr Aldrich noted that Willoughby PC were interested to purchase 2 backing plates at £20 each; he will supply the Clerk with details so an invoice can be raised for payment. The remaining items will be considered for online auction disposal in the New Year. 
ii) To consider inclusion in a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) re dog fouling: The Council agreed this would be helpful in St Helen, particularly along the A1031 from Sea Lane to Station Road. The Clerk will revert to her counterpart at North Sommercotes PC to advise.
iii) To consider the Council taking over the costs of the Green Waste bin for St Helens: Cllr D Sear commented that he had taken the liberty of paying for this as he was frustrated with the length of time it was taking for the PC to decide. The Clerk reminded him it was a matter of procedure in law, and that the matter would not have qualified for emergency delegated expenditure by herself or the Chair. Discussion continued over the pros and cons of a green waste bin in light of the fact the grass cutting is a mulch cut and no green waste is generated, as well as the Council’s obligations to the church in law. The Clerk advised the matter of the bin can be reconsidered at a later date if desired. 
iv) To consider purchasing additional litter picking kit for community use: Cllr Goodley brought out the kit on hand and it was checked to see if it was working or not. One picker went home with Cllr D Sear for a simple repair. It was RESOLVED to purchase four (4) hoops only at this time. The Clerk will source these on Amazon for £18.36 inc VAT and delivery. If additional kit needs purchasing at a later date, it can be added to a future agenda. 
v) To consider purchasing a defibrillator for the St Helens ward. Tabled until January to allow the Clerk to obtain 2 additional quotes. 
Item 12/24-08 Financial Matters
i) To note updated 2024/25 budget heads to date: Noted
ii) To finalise 2025/26 budgeting outlines: The Clerk presented an updated outline and asked for all to come prepared to ratify the precept at the January meeting. A discussion ensued about what funds we have in the bank, what are they being saved for, etc. It was rationalised that an increase in the precept was unadvisable given the amount in reserves without any earmarked plans. Thus, the intention is to leave the precept as it was in the current year and continue to offset overages from reserves.
iii) To consider banking options in light of Lloyds corporate updates. The Clerk advised of changes at Lloyds which mean the Council will have to pay for it’s accounts from January at £4.25 per month, per account. The Council RESOLVED to, before 14 January 2025 shift £5000 from the instant access Savings to the Notice account, and move the residual funds into the Treasurer’s Account; the Savings account would then be closed thus giving us two fee-paying accounts (totalling £8.50 per month). The Clerk will look into free alternatives to the Notice Account for the February meeting.
iv) To resolve the Clerk’s 2024/25 pay increase and back pay as per the NJC contract agreement (sums noted in item 8 (v)). RESOLVED.
v) To resolve payments as noted on the Accounts November 24 sheet. RESOLVED, excepting Cllr Bowers’ travel monies as she elected not to accept them. 
Item 12/24-09 Planning Matters
Item 12/24-10 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters
i. Status of Applications for new footpaths: Neither Cllr Goodley nor the Clerk had any update of the recent application. Cllr Goodley noted she would start the second application shortly and then we can chase up the first. It was noted the collapsed culvert appears to be being fixed at last.
Item 12/24-11 Parish on-going issues 
i. Gas Terminal Future Use: Recent Community Partnership drop in events were held at the Village Hall with 2-3 CP members at each. NWS have confirmed they are looking at alternative locations – within the already defined search area – as there are other schemes competing for the former gas terminal. Issues such as the sticker wheel and assertion of children voting were re-voiced. It was agreed, amongst those who took part in the drop in sessions, the monthly CP recap call, or both, that there was zero new information gleaned from them. 
Item 12/24-12 To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as 23 January 2025.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:43.