24 October 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints.
In the Chair: Cllr K Simpson
Parish Councillors present: Cllrs R Aldrich, B Swift, A Spink, M Crookes, D Sear, N Barker, A Beet, J Bowers, and L White.
Public Forum
A Parishioner noted that the speed limit in Grainthorpe had been reduced from 40 mph to 30mph recently and asked who residents need to speak to in order to get the speed limit reduced to 30 mph through Theddlethorpe.
Cllr Noi Sear comment that the speed limit outside Theddlethorpe Academy is to be reduced to 20mph. Cllr Sear went on to say that the former chair of PC had previously done a good job collecting and submitting the data from the speed monitoring equipment around the village to LCC Highways Department and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. However, as there had only been one accident in the 6 years previous to submission, the speed limit could not be reduced. It was noted that all information provided from the new speed signs could be submitted to the Road Safety Partnership/Highways and hopefully, once the data has been examined, then some progress may be made.
District and County Councillors’ Reports
Cllr N Sear said in regards to Agenda Item 10 (ii), that Cllr McNally had suggested that statement is put together by PC and then it can be taken forward. She suggested that a member of PC may wish to attend a meeting with highways with her.
Cllr Hesketh informed the meeting he had found the talk by Martin Chapman at Theddlethorpe History Club and the recent walking group visit to Theddlethorpe beach very interesting, especially the salt making. Met with Sean Matthews and other potential candidates for Mayor, to ascertain their views on the Nuclear Waste facility. Elections are taking place today for the ELDC District of Croft. He stated that he will be working with any party that is standing against the dump and thanked Cllrs Crookes and Goodley for submitting questions to ELDC. He congratulated GOTEC for producing an excellent report whilst noting it has been rejected by NWS. Cllr Hesketh also informed the meeting that he has attended the NWS event at the Dunes, commenting that it was full of misinformation and nonsense, and presented nothing new.
Item 10/24-01 Chair’s Welcome
The Chair opened the meeting at 19:42 and welcomed two members of the public to the hall.
Item 10/24-02 Apologies and acceptance of absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllr S Goodley and the Clerk, S Bristow.
Item 10/24-03 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 10/24-04 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Parish Council meeting held on 26 September 2024
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed.
Item 10/24-05 Chair’s Report
A Parish Meeting was held on 10th October and views sought from the community regarding applying for Community Investment Funding from NWS. An update was also provided on the Viking CCS project by the Parish Clerk. Theddlethorpe Flexible Energy Group were also due to deliver a presentation but asked for the meeting to be in a closed session with Parish Councillors; this took place prior the ordinary PC meeting this evening. The Chair thanked GOTEC for their excellent report.
Item 10/24-06 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk’s report was read in her absence. She reminded the members that payments must be on the agenda and resolved before they can be reimbursed. She also noted that the Council’s printing needs had diminished and that she would be reducing the monthly printing allowance accordingly, which should save some £30pa.
Item 10/24-07 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising
i) Clarification from Rook trustees regarding the recent purchase of speed cameras and the charity’s expectations of the Council for ongoing support of said cameras: Chair informed the meeting that she’d had a discussion with Cllr Aldrich last night regarding the application to the Charity of Mrs Elizabeth Rook for the provision of speed cameras. It was confirmed that the Elizabeth Rook charity had purchased the equipment and will be responsible for the insurance and upkeep of the cameras. The £800 spend that was resolved at the last meeting is now null and void. Cllrs requested clarification on whether an updated application had been submitted to the ER Trustees and whether they’d had a meeting to discuss the application. It was confirmed that a formal meeting of Trustees had not taken place but that the provision of speed cameras had been considered via email or direct discussions with individual Trustees over the phone. Cllr Bowers commented that the PC would have been able to reclaim the VAT if had received the grant money and ordered the equipment. Cllr Sear informed the meeting that VAT had not been charged. Concern was expressed by Cllrs that due process had not been followed by the Charity Trustees.
ii) To consider disposing of the faulty speed sign and redundant brackets: There was a discussion around the disposal of redundant speed camera equipment. Cllr Aldrich informed the meeting that Willoughby PC are interested in purchasing the old speed camera equipment. It was RESOLVED for Cllr Aldrich to contact Willoughby PC and offer the back plates as a cost of £20 each and the speed camera machine for parts for £20.
iii) To consider the purchase of Christmas trees for the village and school: RESOLVED to purchase Christmas Trees for Theddlethorpe Academy and the Village green near Brickyard Lane at a cost of up to £450 for two. Cllr White offered to speak to the nursery to see if any discounts were available.
iv) To consider the Council taking over the costs of the Green Waste bin for St Helens: Tabled until December meeting.
v) To consider purchasing additional litter picking kit for community use: Request that Parish Clerk look into what equipment is available/ required and bring back to the next meeting.
vi) To consider purchasing a second defibrillator for the St Helens ward: After a discussion about ongoing maintenance and costs associated with this purchase, it was tabled until the December meeting.
vii) To consider community feedback from the Parish Meeting on 10 October: it was noted that the parishioners in attendance voted for the Council to NOT pursue CiF funding.
viii) To consider projects suitable for application to the NWS CiF: Withdrawn based on Item 7 (vii).
ix) To receive an update regarding the Ossian scheme presentation: Cllr Crookes updated the Council on this presentation that he and Cllr Swift had attended.
Item 10/24-08 Financial Matters
i) To note updated 2024/25 budget heads to date (H1 figures): Noted
ii) To consider 2025/26 budgeting outlines: Presented by Cllr Crookes, reminding the Council that to keep the precept the same will continue to access financial reserves
iii) To resolve payments as noted on the Accounts October 24 sheet: RESOLVED
iv) To hear an update on banking and savings options: RESOLVED to leave accounts where they currently sit.
Item 10/24-09 Planning Matters
Item 10/24-10 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters
i. Status of Applications for new footpaths: Resolved to carry over to the next meeting as Cllr Goodley is not present. Request that the clerk updates everyone on progress.
ii. Consideration of a request to support a Traffic Regulation Order as follows: the request from a local resident near Kent Avenue, Mablethorpe and Meers Bank, Mablethorpe, for an amendment to reduce the current speed limits to 30 mph and that the angle of the Junction to Kent Avenue be reconfigured and the vegetation taken back due to the number of historic accidents at this location. RESOLVED to support and the Clerk will draft a letter of support accordingly.
Item 10/24-11 Parish on-going issues
i. Gas Terminal Future Use: Cllr Barker updated the meeting noting that the NWS exhibition “glamourises” the GDF and members of the community have expressed their concerns. Cllrs Hesketh and Spink presented the results of the Parish Survey and the holiday maker survey by GOTEC to the Community Partnership. It was noted that a village resident re-presented the results of the Parish Survey immediately after the Councillors concluded.
Item 10/24-12 To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as 5 December 2024.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:46.