30 November Minutes

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 30 November 2023 at Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints. 
In the Chair: Cllr N Barker
Parish Councillors present: Cllrs R Aldrich, S Goodley, A Beet, M Crookes, H Cox, B Swift, D Sear, L White, and A Spink.
Also, present County Councillor: N Sear
District Councillor: T Hesketh
Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow
Public Forum 
No questions were received in advance. A Councillor raised concerns regarding the public footpaths at the Theddlethorpe NNR. Cllr White will look into the matter and advise in due course.
District and County Councillors’ Reports 
Cllr Hesketh thanked the Footpaths walking group for their efforts and noted that, while his current motion to ELDC was withdrawn, he had tabled two additional motions pertaining to the GDF and planning concerns thereof. He advised that he would be asking ELDC to support financing of parish polls in the affected parishes. He later noted there may be government grant schemes to help fund a village defibrillator.
Cllr N Sear tabled a report and told the group about warm & safe homes advice now being available in Mablethorpe at the Family Hub (the old Sure Start centre), funded by LCC and open during school hours. She noted the PC could invite an NEA representative to an upcoming meeting (the Annual Parish Meeting was suggested for this) and commented that the 20 mph ‘default speed limit’ will not be realised in Lincolnshire. She reiterated the upcoming closure of a footpath was due to a collapsed culvert and the fix was going to take much longer than expected.
Item 11/23-01   Chair’s Welcome 
The Chair opened the meeting at 19:50 and welcomed four parishioners to the hall.
Item 11/23-02  Apologies and acceptance of absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr K Simpson. Cllr D McNally was also absent.
Item 11/23-03 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Cllr Aldrich declared an interest in Item 7(ix). 
Item 11/23-04 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Monthly meeting on 26 October 2023
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed.
Item 11/23-05 Chair’s Report
Summarised verbally on the night, noting a reply had been received from Cllr McNally regarding a meeting in January.
Item 11/23-06 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk noted the Council had received an invitation to apply for representation on the Viking CCS consultation and the council will discuss this at their January meeting. She reminded the councillors to undertake training opportunities during the remainder of this civic year. 
Item 11/23-07 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising
i) To consider adoption of the Council’s Risk Assessment policy: Tabled to a later meeting.
ii) To receive an update regarding Community Speed watch scheme: Cllr Aldrich noted that everything was ready to go and one speed watch event had already been held. Of 150 vehicles, 2 were found to be exceeding the 46 mph limit called for to enforce.
iii) To receive an update regarding the status of St Helen’s Church trees: Cllr Beet noted none of the trees in the Churchyard were under any TPO with the district council. Clerk is to chase up the Archdeacon’s office regarding tree concerns.
iv) To consider holding Councillors’ surgeries in the village: Cllr Spink noted the Resident’s Association had welcomed the idea and the councillors will look to start a rota from January for the last Saturday of each month.
v) To consider 2023 Christmas decorations in the village: the village green and school trees were ordered and expected to be delivered on 1st December. Cllr Aldrich’s purchase of security fencing for £31.99 was RESOLVED to be reimbursed.
vi) To consider an application for funding of a defibrillator for St Helen’s village: the Council RESOLVED to seek funding from the Elizabeth Rook Foundation for a defibrillator to be sited in St Helen’s parish, likely at the bus shelter. Cllr White will take the lead on this matter. 
vii) To consider an endorsement of Cllr Travis Hesketh’s co-option onto the Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership: the meeting was closed at 20:30 for Cllr Hesketh to make his representation. The meeting reopened at 20:32 and the council RESOLVED to write a letter of endorsement. The clerk will provide this to Cllr Hesketh in the coming week. 
viii) To consider implementing the 2023-24 Pay Award for Clerk: The council RESOLVED to implement the £1 per hour pay rise effective 1st December 2023 and to back pay the Clerk £148 for hours worked since 1st April 2023, the effective date of the new pay rates.
ix) Grass Cutting quotation consideration and decision: Cllr Aldrich left the room prior to discussion starting. The Clerk explained that we had not received the target of three quotations and that the council could re-open the process and make a decision at the January meeting and still be within legal parameters for precept setting. The Council RESOLVED to reopen the process and table their decision until the January meeting. Cllr Aldrich was then invited back to into the meeting. 
Item 11/23-08 Financial Matters
i) Draft of Budget heads for 2024/25: the council reviewed the draft and additional places for savings were noted. Once the grass cutting quote is resolved, the 2024/25 budget will be finalised.
ii) To resolve change of address for the NS&I account: RESOLVED and signed as indicated. 
iii) Approval of November Payments according to schedule approved as follows:
Clerk's November Wages £269.00
True Traders (Reimb to Cllr Aldrich) £31.99
2022 Village Hall Hire £360.00
Clerk's December Wages with £1 ph increase and £148 back pay £437.00
Item 11/23-09 Planning Matters
Item 11/23-10 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters
Cllr Goodley noted a new footpaths report was forthcoming and that the collapsed culvert was being repaired. Clerk noted that she will send DMMO paperwork to Cllr Goodley.
Item 11/23-11 Parish on-going issues 
i) Gas Terminal Future Use: Cllr Barker noted the new routes from National Rail were published although any rail links would not be constructed until after the GDF construction begins. The EA are currently questioning NWS’s reports and the GDF engagement dates were cancelled as the Community Partnership were unaware of them taking place. The Viking CCS representation deadline was noted as 15 January 2024.
Item 11/23-12 To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as 11 January 2024.
The meeting was adjourned at 21:27