27 July 2023 Minutes

Cropped Village sign
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 27 July 2023, opened at 19:56
Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints. 
Chair: Cllr K Simpson
Vice Chair: Cllr N Barker
Parish Councillors present: Cllrs L White, R Aldrich, S Goodley, A Beet, A Spink, M Crookes, D Sear 
Also, present County Councillors: Cllrs N Sear and D McNally
District Councillor: Cllr T Hesketh
Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow
Public Forum 
No questions were received in advance or asked on the night.
District and County Councillors’ Reports 
Cllr Hesketh stated he had good conversations in the Lake District with the NWS COO and CEO and noted the proposed motions for the GDF at ELDC were withdrawn based on legal advice. Additionally, the CCS CEO reported they are listening and preparing a sweetener package for the area. Some potholes on Stain Lane have been filled and CCTV has been installed in Gayton to address fly tipping. 
Cllr D McNally noted the holiday activity and food programme, for up to Year 11s, is happening in Mablethorpe and North Somercotes with details on the LCC website. Secret shoppers are out to address youth vaping and underage sales. The idea of consistency collections is likely delayed so food waste collection will no longer begin in 2025. 
Cllr N Sear remarked that Cllr Goodley’s footpath report had been received and she was investigating Cllr Spink’s query about the white gates in the village; she urged the public not to undertake repairs on county council assets without express permission. She reiterated that new footpaths were possible as there was funding available. The A1104 is scheduled for resurfacing in 2025 but we have to wait our turn for other roads. Finally, she noted the Maltby straight maybe lowering in speed limit to 40mph.
Item 07/23-01   Chair’s Welcome 
The Chair welcomed 5 Parishioners to the Village Hall.
Item 07/23-02  Apologies and acceptance of absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllr B Swift. Apologies were not accepted from Cllr H Cox
Item 07/23-03 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011
The Chair and Cllr Goodley declared an interest in item 9 (b).
Item 07/23-04 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Monthly meeting on 22 June 2023
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed.
Item 07/23-05 Chair’s Report
The chair read her report aloud noting her thanks to those tidying up the village and that she’d been quite busy between the village hall drop ins and meeting Cllr Acklam alongside her Vice Chair.
Item 07/23-06 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk gave an oral report thanking those who helped promote the village focus groups, in particular Cllr Spink.
Item 07/23-07 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising
i) Adoption of Policies: Complaints, FOI, and Public Participation. All three were RESOLVED for adoption noting two spelling/grammar errors be corrected.
ii) Update regarding Community Speedwatch scheme, including consideration of costing for start-up kits. The costs for the components were circulated and the discussed. The meeting was closed at 20:08 to allow a question from Cllr Hesketh about how often the equipment would expect to be used. The meeting reopened at 20:10 and the council RESOVLED to spend up to £600 towards this effort. 
iii) Update on councillor nominations for the Elizabeth Rook Trust. The Vice Chair announced that Cllrs D Sear and White were the successful applicants for the two vacant seats.
iv) To appoint 1-2 councillors for the NHT and Drainage survey. Cllrs Beet and Goodley will undertake this effort, with input from Cllr Aldrich, between now and the 31st October deadline. 
v) To receive an update regarding trees in St Helen’s Churchyard. The Clerk noted that the Rural Dean in charge was vacating his post as of 28th July and the concerns about the trees- as well as those noted while glancing at the planning surveys- would need to be taken up with the Archdeacon of the diocese from next week. A further update will be made at the September meeting.
vi) To receive an update from the Village Hall Committee regarding the planting of a coronation tree. Cllr D Sear, as the VHC Secretary, advised that the VH would indeed accept the gift of a tree but to hold off on planting it until after the play park is installed. The Clerk asked if the VHC can discuss and advise on their preferred tree species in the meantime so she can begin to obtain prices.
vii) To consider a donation to the Theddlethorpe Craft Club for Remembrance Day poppy cascade decorations. The meeting was closed at 20:23 to ask the Club representative how much was sought. The meeting reopened at 20:25 and the Council RESOLVED to grant £50 to the Club; the Clerk took bank details for payment.
viii) To consider a quotation from Fattorini for additional Livery Collar links. The Clerk presented a quotation for additional links that had been received. She noted having contacted other civic regalia companies but none replied as the chain was Fattorini’s make. Aware of the fact the council already have two names needing engraving, it was RESOLVED to purchase four additional links at £335.90+ VAT per pair. The Clerk raised concerns about the new links and the existing collar not being compatible so it was agreed to have Fattorini look at it and quote options for upgrading the collar to something more suitable. Additionally, she will contact the former Chair about how he would prefer his name to be engraved and will ask the same of the current Chair.
ix) Update on community led plan. The Clerk reiterated her thanks to all and noted a concern of statistical significance if enough had not taken part. The Clerk, along with volunteer councillors, will start reviewing results during the August recess.
Item 07/23-08 Financial Matters
i) Approval of July (and August) Payments: All RESOLVED
(1) Clerk’s July and August wages £205.92 per month
(2) T Taylor Grass Cutting total £200 (+ £100 additional invoice, total £300)
(3) ELDC Uncontested election fees £97.00 total
(4) Community Speedwatch costs as resolved in item 7(ii) up to £600.
(5) Theddlethorpe Craft Club £50 as resolved in item 7(vii)
Item 07/23-09 Planning Matters
a) The approval of N/180/00719/23 (Glamping pods) was noted.
b) N/180/01284/23 Application for Planning Permission - Erection of 1 no. detached dwelling and conversion of existing house to provide an annexe.  SUNRISE COTTAGE, ROTTEN ROW, THEDDLETHORPE, MABLETHORPE, LN12 1NX. The Chair and Cllr Goodley left the room at 20:45, with the Vice Chair taking over the meeting. After a brief discussion, the council RESOLVED to return no comment on this application. The Chair and Cllr Goodley returned to the room at 20:48.
Item 07/23-10 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters
Thanks were given to Cllr Goodley for her very detailed report on the village footpaths; it has already been actioned within LCC.
Item 07/23-11 Parish on-going issues 
i) Litter Club: all LCC offered litter picking kits have already been claimed; Cllr McNally will see if there are any leftovers we can have. Cllr Goodley noted much of the rubbish is McDonald’s wrappings, is there anything LCC can do to support tracing the rubbish?
ii) Gas Terminal Future Use: the Chair advised that NWS replied to our MP’s letter stating the council should be interfacing with Cllr Acklam as he is our representative on the Community Partnership. As previously noted, she and her Vice Chair met with Cllr Acklam during the past month. They are both now being invited to the monthly Teams CP update calls and attended the July call. Concerns were reiterated about the claimed number of jobs the GDF would bring to the area.
The meeting was closed at 20:55 to allow Cllr Hesketh to comment about different rules being followed at different community partnerships. The meeting reopened at 20:57.
Item 07/23-12 To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as 28 September 2023
The meeting was closed at 21:00 before being reopened at 21:02 following Cllr Goodley noting she had not been able to present on item 10. She remarked that the footpaths in the village were rubbish and the worst she’d ever used. 
The meeting was closed at 21:04 to allow comment from Cllrs N Sear and McNally regarding the LCC footpaths webpage and to advise concerns should be emailed to them as reports, not uploaded to the webpage.
The meeting was re-opened at 21:06 and immediately adjourned, having no further business to discuss.