July 2022 Minutes



Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 28 July 2022, 19:30

Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints.


Chair of the Council: Cllr C Richardson, Vice-Chair: Cllr B Lister

Parish Councillors: Cllr G Foister, Cllr J Sheppard, Cllr N Barker, Cllr K Simpson, Cllr C Lister,

Also, present: Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow

District Councillor: Cllr D McNally

County Councillor: Cllr N Sear


Public Forum


A Parishioner raised concerns about the annually shrinking number of equine riding licenses being issued by Natural England. The Chair advised this was a matter between three councils that need to get together to action. The parishioner also discussed bridlepaths to nowhere and formerly public rights of way being impassable, which led to a discussion about the process of altering public rights of way. The clerk was actioned with sourcing a map of current public rights of way in the villages so that they can be walked or rode to ascertain which need attention. Cllr B Lister mentioned the Field Paths Association and will contact them too. It was asked if the community clean-up funds could be used for clearing the paths, or could farmers be compensated to do so, this will be investigated for future reply.


A letter from a Parishioner, pertaining to agenda item 9 (i) was read aloud by the clerk and set aside for response later in the agenda.

Given the end of the public forum, the Chair opened the Parish Council meeting at 19:48.


Item 07/22-01   Chair’s Welcome


The Chair welcomed 5 Parishioners to the Village Hall, all recognised as Theddlethorpe residents.


Item 07/22-02 Apologies and acceptance of absence


Resolved to accept the apologies of Cllr D Sear for absence.


Item 07/22-03 Police Matters


No representatives from the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were present. Resolved to remove this agenda item from September.


Item 07/22-04 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011




Item 07/22-06 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Monthly meeting held on 23 June 2022


Resolved to accept the minutes noting a correction of “Mile” to “Mill” in Item 06/22-08.



Item 07/22-07 District and County Councillors’ Reports



Cllr N Sear – Complaints about Trees over the bus shelter have been escalated. Kent Ave and Stain Lane is still not a high priority for LCC, but they will use highlight paint at the junction. Overhanging trees in the way of power lines, yet not on LCC property, are not going to be trimmed by LCC due to budgeting constraints.


Cllr D McNally – ELDC have been very busy and difficult to contact as they process the council tax rebates for residents who do not pay via direct debit. The Chair commented that he had been helping Parishioners with the forms needed to request this refund. New purple-lidded bins are coming for paper/card and glass will be able to be placed into the grey bins from August. It is unknown at this time if the communal glass bins will be remaining or not. The Fix My Street site is being updated.



Item 07/22-07 Chair’s Report 


Reported burst water main several times before it was finally fixed as the maintenance personnel were not going to the correct location. A parishioner complaint regarding the Crook Bank car park was read aloud, along with the reply received from Natural England. It was presumed that the increase in debris and waste being left at the site was contributing to the restrictions on access that was raised during the public forum. The Chair produced a signposting document for display in the Village Hall that provides the details of the Community support that is available in the area. Chair had received a report on the GDF questionnaire and will forward it to the clerk who noted the original documents were yet to be returned.


Additionally, there was concern expressed as to the transparency of Parishioners who issued the GDF questionnaire results to Parish Councillors. A previous version of the same email had been sent to the wider ELDC and LCC community which included derogatory and untrue statements; these statements had been left off the version sent to Parish Councillors.


Item 07/22-08 Clerk’s Report (inclusive of Correspondence and Reports from Outside Bodies)


Thanked PC for their patience following her prolonged absence. Shared Environment Agency July report. LCC County views summer survey and LCC good homes survey were received and publicised. Bus pass scheme kicks off on 1 August and will be publicised accordingly from that date. Noted the .gov.uk email addresses will be sent the following day to councillors.



Item 07/22-09 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising


  1. Cllr N Barker- regarding provision for questions during the public forum

Clerk explained how the current situation came about and how she had recently taken advice from LALC on the matter. It was suggested that the PC resolve how to accept questions from the public and that be put into Standing Orders for the avoidance of doubt. A hierarchy of contact from the public to the council was resolved to be included in Standing Orders as follows: Email to clerk, via a councillor, asked on the night- all subject to timings noted in Standing Orders.


  1. Cllr K Simpson- regarding future grant requests

Suggestions about using grant funds to provide cookery lessons, mentoring programmes, youth programmes, or even beautification projects or an edible garden. It was noted that an attempt at allotments was unsuccessful in the past but since our we have no current parish plan or village survey, this was put forward for inclusion on the September agenda.



Item 07/22-10 Financial Matters


Cllr N Barker reviewed the bank statement against the spreadsheet prepared by the current RFO in preparation for handing off RFO administration to the clerk later in August. Cllr Barker confirmed it agreed.


Item 07/22-11 Planning Matters:





Item 07/22-12 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters


A1031 was cut back, one streetlight needs fixing (Chair will report this). Footpaths addressed earlier in the Public Forum. Action for clerk to contact clerk at Mablethorpe and Sutton Town Council regarding overgrown hedges impeding the carriageway on Meers Bank outside of the Swallow Park caravan site.


Item 07/22-13 Parish on-going issues


  • Litter Club will resume in autumn


  • Gas Terminal Future Use


VNet Zero project moving forward with a decision expected from the Secretary of State in early 2023. GDF moving to Community Partnership (CP) and a Withern with Theddlethorpe ward parish councils’ representative (Simon A.) was put forward for interview. The CP application process is ongoing, and Parishioners are encouraged to apply if they meet any of the criteria requested. Theddlethorpe Parish Council have not yet reviewed the CP agreement nor have any Theddlethorpe councillors signed it.



Item 07/22-14 To resolve the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as Thursday 22 September 2022


Resolved accordingly.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 21:22.