23 January 25 DRAFT Minutes

DRAFT Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday, 23 January 2025 at Theddlethorpe Village Hall, Silver Street, Theddlethorpe All Saints. 
In the Chair: Cllr K Simpson
Parish Councillors present: Cllrs R Aldrich, B Swift, A Spink, M Crookes, L White, N Barker, and J Bowers.
Parish Clerk/RFO: Mrs S Bristow
Public Forum 
A parishioner asked about Open Reach (BT) and the poor quality of internet in the village. The Clerk will engage with BT on the issue. 
District and County Councillors’ Reports 
Cllr N Sear noted her dissatisfaction with Northern Power Grid (NPG) and the lip service they have been paying to the village for some 20 years. She noted the poles for the new speed signs are in progress. Cllr Hesketh noted attending the NWS immersive event and was angered by a report claiming 75% positive/neutral views towards a GDF existed, only to find out this was the same children’s stick wheel noted in the December PC meeting. He noted he was still waiting for answers following the April 2024 meeting with NWS, the Clerk noted she will chase that as well. He raised the issue of fire safety in light of a recent house fire in Great Carlton. He will send the Clerk the link to Lincs Fire Services home check, where free smoke alarms are available. The Clerk will print posters for the notice boards and put fire safety reminders on social media. Cllr N Sear suggested the Fire Service could come to the Annual Parish Meeting to talk fire safety with residents. The Council thought that was sensible.
Item 01/25-01   Chair’s Welcome 
The Chair opened the meeting at 19:45 and welcomed five members of the public to the hall.
Item 01/25-02 Apologies and acceptance of absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllrs D Sear and A Beet. Absence from County Cllr McNally were also noted.
Item 01/25-03 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest from members in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 01/25-04 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 December 2024
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed.
Item 01/25-05 Chair’s Report
The Chair read out a thank you note from the Village Hall committee for the PC’s support of the portaloo. She noted the Chair of the Community Partnership had asked to meet with her, but no date has been set. She advised the parishioners about the Avian Influenza control zone we are in. Furthermore, she expressed ongoing concern about the village power cuts and noted a further meeting of the villages in the Search Area was set to take place on 30th January. Finally, she advised the Councillors that she did not intend to sit as Chair in the next civic year and asked them to consider to role for themselves.
Item 01/25-06 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk advised that the council should consider re-joining the LALC training scheme so that Councillors can undertake refresher training and the new Chair take courses appropriate to that role. She noted that she is interviewing for the Clerk/RFO role at The Carltons PC and that the expectation of time is similar to that at Theddlethorpe with the monthly meetings usually held on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Finally, she asked Cllr N Sear if an invoice for the PC’s Village Hall hire through March 25 can be sent so the bill can be paid within this financial year.
Item 01/25-07 Parish Councillors’ Reports and Matters Arising
i) To receive an update on disposing of the faulty speed sign and redundant brackets: Cllr Aldrich handed over £50 cash from the sale of the faulty speed sign and £40 was received into the bank from Willoughby PC for their purchase of the sign brackets.
ii) To consider purchasing a defibrillator for the St Helens ward. Tabled until February to allow Cllr N Sear time to investigate usage of the power source on the lamppost opposite the bus shelter at the triangle.  
iii) To discuss an approach to Northern Power Grid on behalf of residents and in light of Cllr N Sear’s recent communication with V Atkin’s office. The Clerk will author a letter to NPG outlining resident concerns and inviting an NPG Representative to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on 24th April.
Item 01/25-08 Financial Matters
i) To note updated 2024/25 budget heads to date: Noted
ii) To finalise 2025/26 budgeting outlines. RESOLVED
iii) To approve the 2025/26 Precept. RESOLVED and signed by the Chair, a precept demand of £9504.
iv) General banking update in light of Lloyds clarification: given the clarification that only the Community Account (formerly the Treasurers Account) would attract the monthly £4.25 fee, it was RESOLVED to move £5000 to the 95 day Notice account, and to leave the instant access Savings account open.
v) To resolve payments as noted on the Accounts January 25 sheet. RESOLVED, 
Item 01/25-09 Planning Matters
Item 01/25-10 Highways / Footpaths / Lighting Matters
i. Status of Applications for new footpaths: Neither Cllr Goodley nor the Clerk had any update of the recent application. Clerk to chase it up.
ii. Discussion of TRO’s received for Mill and Saltfleet Roads for Council Support (or otherwise). The council RESOLVED to support TRO 2010 as proposed by LCC. Furthermore, the council RESOLVED to support TRO 398 and suggested to LCC that the reduced speed limit should apply back along Mill Road to the bend and then along Rotten Row to the A1031 junction; this will discourage motorists from using Rotten Row as a rat run in light of TRO 2010.
Item 01/25-11 Parish on-going issues 
i. Gas Terminal Future Use: There has been no Community Partnership update since the December Parish Council meeting. NWS are expected to announce an updated name for the CP to reflect Mablethorpe’s inclusion in the search area. They are also expected to state more precise locations within the search area for the above ground facilities.  
Item 01/25-12 To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as 27 February 2025.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:51.